Dear Patients and Families of Popper Prosthodontics,
As a member of your local community, we care deeply about the health and well-being of our patients, families, and staff members. The Coronavirus (COVID-19), the ever- changing pandemic, presents a unique set of challenges for dental care providers like Popper Prosthodontics that must be addressed. As such, we want to let you know that we will be taking additional safety precautions to help reduce the risk of transmission and ensure that our patients, families, and employees remain safe as possible while visiting our office. We will not be closing our office unless ordered to do so by the federal, state, or local government. The changes we will be implementing are based upon current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and have been strategically developed as part of an extensive and ongoing discussion by Dr. Popper and all staff members on how to perform high-quality dental care while reducing the pathways of transmission. We recognize that some of these health precautions may cause temporary inconvenience in the form of possible delays in the completion of portions of your treatment. Please be assured that your health and the health of all members of our community is our number one priority, and we have carefully thought about these precautions that we will be taking.
Changes that will be implemented in our office will be put into place immediately. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our office at 423-246-6881. Please note that no exceptions to these specials precautions will be made for any reason, so please plan accordingly. If you would like to delay your next appointment for any reason, we completely understand and ask that you please call our office during regularly scheduled business hours so we can assist you in rescheduling. We also ask, if you fall into a high-risk group according to the CDC and WHO, that you consider rescheduling your appointment. This group includes patients who are immunocompromised, have heart disease, or lung disease.
Here are the very important changes to your Popper Prosthodontic office visit that you will experience:
- We will be limiting social interactions within our reception area by reducing the number of people within our office at any given time. Only patients should enter the office. Siblings, grandparents, friends, etc. should remain outside in their vehicles.
- Patients are asked to present for their appointments at the regularly scheduled time, not early. If a patient is early or late- please call us from the parking lot. We are asking patients to come into the office no more than 5 minutes before the appointment time to minimize any waiting in our reception area.
- We have removed all magazines from our reception area.
Thank you for understanding during this unprecedented time. As doctors and parents, we are just as concerned about our patients’ well being. We know that in the long-term, this will make us stronger and safer, but in the meantime we must implement major safety protocols for the health and safety of all.
Dr. Popper and Staff